On Thursday evening, Tom Wolfe, distinguished writer and founder of “new journalism,” addressed the Ithaca College campus. In a filled Emerson Suites hall, Wolfe spoke about his life experiences and stories from his days as a reporter.
Dianne Lynch, dean of the Park School of Communications, began her presentation titling Mr. Wolfe as a “charming legend,” “a true hero in American journalism,” and a “signifier and chronicler of time.”
Mr. Wolfe spoke of his youthful days growing up in Richmond, Virginia, and a reporter who incorrectly quoted his sarcastic comment on the Blackstone IPO as “ I think it's the end of capitalism as we know it.” Rarely but surely, he slipped in his personal belief and comments about American journalism and provided advice for students who dreamed of becoming writers. He also said Roy H. Park provided the best program for such writers, to which Dean Lynch smiled and gave the thumbs-up to other faculty members.
A personal story:
Some personal advice:
Mr. Wolfe concluded his lecture by calling the blogosphere a “pack of rumors,” that marked a failure in modern journalism. I shortly afterwards during the Q&A asked him to elaborate on said-comment, citing nationally-renowned blogger Josh Marshall (Talking Points Memo, TPM) as an example of true and honest reporting.
[Sorry for the shaky camera work, I was so nervous approaching him! And I wasn't really paying attention to the feed.]
And another remark from this traditional “LEGACY” journalist:
Here are some student reactions:
Amy Born, Ithaca College sophomore
Rich Meisel, Cornell University employee
David Moore, Ithaca College junior
His address marked the 13th lecture at the college in the Park Distinguished Visitor Series, brought through the generosity of Dorothy Park, Adele Gomer, and Park Foundation. Last time Mr. Wolfe was on IC’s campus, he was addressing the class of 1986 at Commencement.
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