Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Election Story
-Ursula Fox-Koor

Polling places across the country were filled today and Tompkins County was no exception. The city of Ithaca alone designated 12 locations for residents to cast their ballots and they were certainly put to good use.

South Hill Elementary School, one of the twelve polling places within the city, saw many voters come through the doors. “We’ve had over a 50 percent voter turn out, maybe even 60 percent,” said Becky Booth, a polling volunteer at the elementary school. Booth said that the turn out has never been this high and that this election season, Tompkins County has added more polling places as well as more staff and volunteers.

Booth credits the large number of students in the area for the increase in turn out. “We have two universities that make up a big population in Ithaca and with their big flexibility during the day, they are able to come in and vote on their time,” Booth said.

Carol*, one of the head polling staff at South Hill Elementary said the young people are also influencing bigger, national issues. “I think that people under 22 [years old] are more concerned with the national issues, but those over 22 are looking into the local election because they realize that concerns them more in terms of issues such as taxes and schools,” Carol* said.

Sandra Reukaol, another polling volunteer at the elementary school, said she was excited to see the young turn out. "It was delightful to see young people out and voting," she said. "There were three girls here earlier, all grinning, and were skipping up the ramp after the voted."

She said there was even a young girl who was celebrating her 18th birthday today and was voting for the first time. "It is great to see American engaged and awake," she said.

*Last name has been withheld due to person's request.

Below: Carol* instructs a new voter on what to do.

A map of South Hill Elementary School

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