Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Young Voters: Apathetic You Say?

--Aly Dixon

For a long time now, young voters have been labeled apathetic, too lazy to care about voting, about the issues that plague our country. However, it seems that with the election of Obama this is obviously not true. But not only that, despite who you voted for, it's hard to deny that we, the generation that needs to live with the mistakes made by our previous leaders, are doing something to ensure we have a fighting chance.

Last night, many Obama supporters stormed the campus. As one student played his bagpipe, others cried with hope of what this election meant. McCain supporters took the defeat in stride and realized that despite being blue or red, our country needs to stand united. The scene outside of Textor last night was incredible. Hundreds of students, if not thousands, stood together exclaiming their excitement for the future to come.

(view from ground)

"YES WE CAN!" They shouted.

(view from on top of Textor)

Whether you were one of the unlucky ones awakened by the overwhelming display, one of the students peering through the library windows in awe, one of the students atop the Music School balcony banging their symbols, or even one of the angry McCain supporters frustrated by defeat, it's hard to deny that no matter what anyone says, we, as the future generation are anything but apathetic, and if you don't believe that, spend a day on the Ithaca College campus.

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