Monday, November 10, 2008

Students Remember the Lost One

- Michelle Skowronek

This Thursday, Nov. 13, Ithaca College will be hosting a memorial service for Willie Jacobson. Even though the Jacobson family did not practice a specific religion, they wanted to hold the service at the Ithaca College Chapel.

Last spring, a freshman went missing after what seemed to be a normal weekend. Ithaca College students, faculty, staff, Campus Safety and the Ithaca Police department searched for Willie Jacobson, the missing freshman, for three days. Eventually, they found him at the bottom of the pond between the Park School of Communications and the Public Safety Office.

Within a day, majority of the campus fled to the Chapel to mourn the death of the lost classmate. Now, about seven months later, the campus continues to remember Willie's memory. Last year's service chimed on Willie's short-lived yet meaningful contributions to the Ithaca College Campus. Friends, professors, and those who did not even know Billy had words to share. This year's service hopes to bring comfort to those still dealing with the unimaginable loss of a fellow peer.

All regularly scheduled Thursday events in the Chapel will be cancelled, and all are encouraged to come a celebrate the remembrance of Willie.

For more information, read the Ithacan article that helped uncover the mysterious death.

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