Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Public Safety Stop Sign Patrol

- Michelle Skowronek

Within the past few weeks, Ithaca College Campus Safety Patrol has gotten stricter on driving laws.  I've noticed that Campus Safety is really cracking down on drivers and their tendency to "roll through" stop signs.

Usually talk of the town says around the end of the month police officers become stricter so that they can fill quota.  Then why are they hanging around campus in the beginning of the month?

Two weeks ago, I had been pulled over for "rolling through" a stop sign on the upper end of campus by the football fields.  Mind you it was 1:45 in the morning on a Monday.  The officer let me go with just a warning, but he reminded me that many pedestrians cross there often and we don't want anyone to get hurt.

Since then, I have witnessed three people get pulled over for the same offense.  A friend of mine had supposedly ran a stop sign between the Park School of Communications and Emerson Hall last Friday. I was in the car at the time and began to think I was bad luck; however, my friend received the same warning I had days prior.

Yesterday afternoon, a Campus Safety Patrol SUV cut me off to pull over the car in front of me. I was in the middle of the roundabout at the main entrance to campus when the officer, coming from the opposite direction, turned on his flashers and hit a hard U turn into a visitor's parking lot.  I quickly put together that the girls in the red car in front of me rolled through the stop sign without even seeing the oncoming police officer.

In essence, slow down, come to a complete stop, and be aware that Campus Safety is patrolling even at 2 AM on a Monday in the beginning of October.

1 comment:

IC News Team said...

This is one of the most frustrating things to get pulled over for. Everyone does it, and it's usually done perfectly safely. But if an opportunistic cop sees you do it, it's an easy way for them to nab you.

-Eric Raue